+4 0722 118 060

Car hire Cluj Napoca

Car rental services at the highest standards.

Experts in transfers

We come to fulfill your needs and offer car rental services and transfers with drivers directly from the international airports in the north western Romania. Our main headquarter is located at Avram Iancu International Airport in Cluj-Napoca.

Car rental services at the highest standards

For car rental services No reservation or cancellation fee is charged. The car dropp off can be done in another location than the one from Cluj Napoca International Airport. Nu exista limita de kilometri sau costuri ascunse. We offer additional options such as a child's car seat, GPS navigation system or driver. Payment can be made in cash or by card.

Special support

We offer support and technical assistance 24/7 both  before, during and after the renting has ended.

Technical skills

We have a skilled staff with long experience in the field of rent a car able to offer the best solutions so that you will not have the best car rental services


For both car rental and transfer services we are at your disposal 24/7. WE advise you with pleasure, and if you can not decide which car rental variant to choose, it is very simple: WE HELP YOU! You just have to make a call or visit us at our headquarters next to Cluj Napoca international Airport Aurel located at Vlaicu Street No. 222. The cars are new or almost new, in impeccable condition, with valid RCA, CASCO insurance and RO-Vigneta.

Positive reviews

The positive reviews received from our clients confirm our quality services.

Rent a car
Cluj Napoca

We're here for you!

Large range of cars available in Cluj, at Cluj international airport and other areas of the city.

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